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出境医 / 临床实验 / The PRE-OP ENERGY Trial


Study Description
Brief Summary:
The PRE-OP ENERGY Trial proposes to test the overarching hypothesis that a pre-surgery high energy diet will protect patients against organ damage during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.

Condition or disease Intervention/treatment Phase
Cardiac Valve Disease Coronary Artery Disease Organ Failure, Multiple Dietary Supplement: High energy diet Not Applicable

Detailed Description:

PRE-OP ENERGY is a single centre, unblinded, parallel group, randomised controlled trial of a pre-operative high energy diet, versus a control group receiving standard care.

The trial will test a number of specific hypotheses:

  1. A pre-surgery high energy diet will protect against post-cardiac surgery organ failure by altering the pre-surgery cardiometabolic state, a process referred to as 'metabolic preconditioning'.
  2. The effects of the trial intervention will not be attributable to changes in frailty, activity or baseline organ dysfunction.
  3. The trial intervention will not result in long-term adverse changes in cardiometabolic status.
  4. Metabolic preconditioning will confer protection against post-cardiac surgery kidney injury by increasing the expression of genes that promote renal tubular homeostasis.
  5. Metabolic preconditioning will confer protection against post-cardiac surgery myocardial injury by increasing the expression of genes that promote myocardial mitochondrial homeostasis via effects on chromatin histone deacetylation.
  6. Metabolic preconditioning will confer protection against post-cardiac surgery endothelial dysfunction by increasing the expression of genes that promote endothelial homeostasis.
Study Design
Layout table for study information
Study Type : Interventional  (Clinical Trial)
Estimated Enrollment : 116 participants
Allocation: Randomized
Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment
Intervention Model Description: Unblinded randomised controlled trial
Masking: None (Open Label)
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Official Title: A Randomised Controlled Trial of a Pre-operative High Energy Diet for the Prevention of Organ Injury in Cardiac Surgery: The PRE-OP ENERGY Trial
Actual Study Start Date : May 7, 2019
Estimated Primary Completion Date : April 2022
Estimated Study Completion Date : July 2022
Arms and Interventions
Arm Intervention/treatment
No Intervention: Group A: Control
Standard Care
Experimental: Group B: High energy diet
High energy diet for 8-12 weeks pre-surgery
Dietary Supplement: High energy diet
An overfeeding regime of 135% required energy intake per day, set from baseline energy requirements consisting of high (saturated) fat snacks, added to the usual diet, supervised by a dietitian.

Outcome Measures
Primary Outcome Measures :
  1. Change of Serum Creatinine level [ Time Frame: Baseline, 0-6, 6-12, 24, 48, 72, and up to 96 hours post-operatively ]
    Measurement of Serum Creatinine level and expressed as umol/L.

  2. Change of Serum Troponin I level [ Time Frame: Baseline, 0-6, 6-12, 24, 48 and 72 hours post-operatively ]
    Measurement of Serum Troponin level and expressed as ng/L.

Secondary Outcome Measures :
  1. Post-surgery organ injury: Sepsis-related Organ Failure [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-operatively, 0-6, 6-12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours post-operatively ]
    Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) Score. Range 0-3, 3 being the worse score

  2. Post-surgery organ injury: Kidney Injury (Urinary Biomarkers) - NGAL (Neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalcin) [ Time Frame: Baseline, 1 day pre-op, 6-12, 24 and 48 hours post-operatively ]
    Urine samples will be analysed for biomarkers of renal injury. Measurement of NGAL level will be expressed as μg/L.

  3. Post-surgery organ injury: Kidney Injury (Urinary Biomarkers) - microRNA (Neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalcin) [ Time Frame: Baseline, 1 day pre-op, 6-12, 24 and 48 hours post-operatively ]
    Urine samples will be analysed for biomarkers of renal injury. Measurement of microRNA in urine samples will be represented by the frequency (%) of identified microRNA.

  4. Post-surgery organ injury: Kidney Injury [ Time Frame: Daily for 5 days from Baseline ]
    Absolute change from baseline for serum creatinine

  5. Post-surgery organ injury: Kidney Injury [ Time Frame: At 6 weeks and then 3 months post-surgery ]
    Serum creatinine and eGFR in all patients using the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease equation. The following is the IDMS-traceable MDRD Study equation (for creatinine methods calibrated to an IDMS reference method) GFR (mL/min/1.73 m2) = 175 × (Scr)-1.154 × (Age)-0.203 × (0.742 if female) × (1.212 if African American) The equation does not require weight or height variables because the results are reported normalized to 1.73 m2 body surface area, which is an accepted average adult surface area.

  6. Post-surgery organ injury: Lung Injury using the Berlin ARDS Score [ Time Frame: Baseline, immediately pre-surgery, 0-6, 6-12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours post-operatively ]
    Using the Berlin ARDS score, the measurement of Arterial Alveolar oxygen ratio expressed in kPa/L.

  7. Post-surgery organ injury: GI Tract injury (Biomarker) - AST (Aspartate Transaminase) [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment, pre-operatively, 0-6 and at 6-12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours post-operatively. ]
    Measurement of AST levels in serum and expressed in IU/L. Acute liver injury will be defined as an acute derangement of three times the upper limit of normal.

  8. Post-surgery organ injury: GI Tract injury (Biomarker) - ALT (Alanine Transaminase) [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment, pre-operatively, 0-6 and at 6-12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours post-operatively. ]
    Measurement of ALT levels in serum and expressed in IU/L. Acute liver injury will be defined as an acute derangement of three times the upper limit of normal.

  9. Post-surgery organ injury: GI Tract injury (Biomarker) - Bilirubin [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment, pre-operatively, 0-6 and at 6-12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours post-operatively. ]
    Measurement of Bilirubin levels in serum and expressed in μmol/L. Acute liver injury will be defined as an acute derangement of three times the upper limit of normal.

  10. Post-surgery organ injury: GI Tract injury (Biomarker) - Alkaline Phosphatase [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment, pre-operatively, 0-6 and at 6-12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours post-operatively. ]
    Measurement of Alkaline Phosphatase levels in serum and expressed in IU/L. Acute liver injury will be defined as an acute derangement of three times the upper limit of normal.

  11. Post-surgery organ injury: GI Tract injury (Biomarker) - Serum Amylase [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment, pre-operatively, 0-6 and at 6-12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours post-operatively. ]
    Measurement of Amylase levels in serum and expressed in IU/L. Acute pancreatitis will be defined as a serum amylase concentration >1000 ng/ml.

  12. Assessment of resource use: Extubation [ Time Frame: Time (hours) measured from the start of surgery to extubation (up to 30 days) ]
    Time until extubation

  13. Assessment of resource use: Intensive Care Unit [ Time Frame: Time (hours) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from ICU (up to 30 days) ]
    Length of stay in Intensive Care Unit. Number of hours between admission and discharge from the High Dependency Unit (HDU)

  14. Assessment of resource use: Hospital Stay [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Length of stay in hospital. Number of days between admission and discharge from the hospital

  15. Clinical events: Sepsis [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Sepsis will be defined as suspected or documented infection and an acute change in total SOFA score ≥2 points consequent to the infection. For the purposes of the trial suspected or documented infection will be defined as the commencement of intravenous antibiotics. The rise in SOFA score will be assessed within 72 hours of the commencement of antibiotics. Range of SOFA is 0 to 3, 3 being the worse. For the purposes of the study suspected or documented infection will be defined as the commencement of intravenous antibiotics. The rise in SOFA score will be assessed within 72 hours of the commencement of antibiotics.

  16. Clinical events: Peak lactate [ Time Frame: Within 24 hours of surgery ]
    Peak lactate within 24 hours of surgery and time to resolution of hyperlactataemia (arterial serum lactate >2.5 mmol/L) post peak.

  17. Clinical events: Acute Lung Injury [ Time Frame: Baseline, immediately pre-surgery, 0-6, 6-12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours post-operatively ]
    Measurement of PaO2/FiO2 ratio and expressed in kPa/L.

  18. Clinical events: Low cardiac output [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Low cardiac output, defined as new intra-or postoperative intra-aortic balloon pump insertion or a cardiac index of <2.2 L/min/ m2 refractory to appropriate intravascular volume expansion after correction or attempted correction of any dysrhythmias, or the administration of the inotropes Dobutamine, Enoximone, Milrinone or Levosimendan.

  19. Clinical events: Stroke [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Stroke; diagnosed by brain imaging (CT or MRI), in association with new onset focal or generalized neurological deficit (defined as deficit in motor, sensory or co-ordination functions)

  20. Clinical events: Acute Liver Injury - AST (Aspartate Transaminase) [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Acute liver injury will be defined as an acute derangement of liver enzymes three times the upper limit of normal, or a serum amylase concentration >1000 ng/m.

  21. Clinical events: Acute Liver Injury - ALT (Alanine Transaminase) [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Acute liver injury will be defined as an acute derangement of liver enzymes three times the upper limit of normal, or a serum amylase concentration >1000 ng/m.

  22. Clinical events: Acute Liver Injury - Bilirubin [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Acute liver injury will be defined as an acute derangement of liver enzymes three times the upper limit of normal, or a serum amylase concentration >1000 ng/m.

  23. Clinical events: Acute Liver Injury - Alkaline Phosphatase [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Acute liver injury will be defined as an acute derangement of liver enzymes three times the upper limit of normal, or a serum amylase concentration >1000 ng/m.

  24. Clinical events: Acute Liver Injury - Serum Amylase [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Acute liver injury will be defined as an acute derangement of liver enzymes three times the upper limit of normal, or a serum amylase concentration >1000 ng/m.

  25. Clinical events: Acute Intestinal Injury [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Acute intestinal injury will be defined a radiological, operative or post-mortem evidence of gut ischaemia.

  26. Clinical events: Rate of mortality [ Time Frame: Within 30-days from surgery and at 1 year from surgery ]
    Rate of mortality at 30-days and 1 year from the date of surgery

  27. Clinical events: A composite endpoint Organ Injury, Mortality and Sepsis [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    As above for description of organ injury, mortality and sepsis

  28. Bleeding and Transfusion [ Time Frame: Blood loss at 6 hours post-operatively ]
    The total number of units of red cells and other blood components transfused during the operative period and post-operative hospital stay will be recorded

  29. Mechanism study: Mitochondrial function of microvessels from tissue biopsies [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    50-100 mg biopsies obtained from pedicled left internal mammary artery biopsies. The mitochondrial function will be measured through the Bioenergetic Health Index. The Bioenergetic Health Index (BHI) is calculated using the following formula: BHI=(ATP-linked×reserve capacity)/(proton leak×non-mitochondrial) - as described by Chacko et al. The expected range is 0-100.

  30. Mechanism study: microRNA isolation of microvessels from tissue biopsies [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    The findings will be represented by the frequency (%) of identified microRNA. 50-100 mg biopsies obtained from pedicled left internal mammary artery biopsies.

  31. Mechanism study: Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) of microvessels from tissue biopsies [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    To identify protein binding sites that may help identify functional elements in the genome. Findings will be represented by the number (n) of binding sites. 50-100 mg biopsies obtained from pedicled left internal mammary artery biopsies.

  32. Mechanism study: Mitochondrial function measured in right atrium myocardium tissue biopsies [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    50-100 mg myocardial biopsies will be obtained from the right atrium at surgery. The mitochondrial function will be measured through the Bioenergetic Health Index. The Bioenergetic Health Index (BHI) is calculated using the following formula: BHI=(ATP-linked×reserve capacity)/(proton leak×non-mitochondrial) - as described by Chacko et al. The expected range is 0-100.

  33. Mechanism study: microRNA isolation in right atrium myocardium tissue biopsies [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    50-100 mg myocardial biopsies will be obtained from the right atrium at surgery. The findings will be represented by the frequency (%) of identified microRNA.

  34. Mechanism study: Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) in right atrium myocardium tissue biopsies [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    50-100 mg myocardial biopsies will be obtained from the right atrium at surgery. To identify protein binding sites that may help identify functional elements in the genome. Findings will be represented by the number (n) of binding sites.

  35. Mechanism study: Mitochondrial function measured in adipose tissue biopsies [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    Adipose tissue collected from epicardial fat at time of surgery. The mitochondrial function will be measured through the Bioenergetic Health Index. The Bioenergetic Health Index (BHI) is calculated using the following formula: BHI=(ATP-linked×reserve capacity)/(proton leak×non-mitochondrial) - as described by Chacko et al. The expected range is 0-100.

  36. Mechanism study: microRNA isolation in adipose tissue biopsies [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    Adipose tissue collected from epicardial fat at time of surgery. The findings will be represented by the frequency (%) of identified microRNA.

  37. Mechanism study: Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) in adipose tissue biopsies [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    Adipose tissue collected from epicardial fat at time of surgery. To identify protein binding sites that may help identify functional elements in the genome. Findings will be represented by the number (n) of binding sites.

  38. Mechanism study: Measurement of microvesicles in urine samples [ Time Frame: Baseline,1 day before surgery, 6-12, 24 and 48 hours post-operatively. ]
    Identification of microvesicles. The findings will be represented by the frequency (%) of each identified microvesicle.

  39. Mechanism study: Measurement of microRNA in urine samples [ Time Frame: Baseline,1 day before surgery, 6-12, 24 and 48 hours post-operatively. ]
    The findings will be represented by the frequency (%) of identified microRNA.

  40. Mechanism study: Measurement of histone acetylation in urine samples [ Time Frame: Baseline,1 day before surgery, 6-12, 24 and 48 hours post-operatively. ]
    The findings will be reported as acetylated H3 (ug/mg) over time (hours)

  41. Mechanism study: Measurement of gene expression in urine samples [ Time Frame: Baseline,1 day before surgery, 6-12, 24 and 48 hours post-operatively. ]
    Whole genome sequencing will be achieved through ATAC sequencing. The identified genes will be characterised by average expression count over ATAC.

Other Outcome Measures:
  1. Body Composition: Bone Density Scan (DEXA) [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Assessments of muscle mass/sarcopenia (Appendicular lean mass taken from the DEXA scan)

  2. Imaging Assessment of Cardiometabolic Status: Trans-Oesophageal Echo [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    Diastolic and systolic left ventricular function will be evaluated using intra-operative trans-oesophageal echo in all patients, as per standard care.

  3. Imaging Assessment (optional): Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Cardiac Function [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Assessment of cardiac function, by assessing ventricular function. This will be expressed as ejection fraction (%). Intravenous contrast will be administered via an indwelling venous catheter.

  4. Imaging Assessment (optional): Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Cardiac adiposity content [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Assessment of cardiac adiposity content. A percentage of adipose tissue over total body mass will be calculated. Intravenous contrast will be administered via an indwelling venous catheter.

  5. Imaging Assessment (optional): Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Visceral adiposity content [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Assessment of visceral adiposity content. A percentage of adipose tissue over total body mass will be calculated. Intravenous contrast will be administered via an indwelling venous catheter.

  6. Fitness, Frailty and Muscle Strength: Six Minute Walk Test [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Fitness will be assessed using the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) which is a standardized test that provides a valid assessment of functional performance. It provides a global assessment of exercise capacity and may better reflect daily activity than more traditional laboratory tests.

  7. Fitness, Frailty and Muscle Strength: Hand Grip Test [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Hand grip strength will be measured quantitatively by using a dynamometer. The result provides an objective index of general upper body strength and combined with appendicular lean mass (taken from the DEXA scan) could be used to define sarcopenia.

  8. Fitness, Frailty and Muscle Strength: PRISMA-7 Questionnaire [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Frailty assessment will be by use of the PRISMA-7 Questionnaire. The questions asked are: 1. Are you older than 85 years? 2. Are you male? 3. In general, do you have any health problems that require you to limit your activities? 4. Do you need someone to help you on a regular basis? 5. In general, do you have any health problems that require you to stay at home? 6. If you need help, can you count on someone close to you? 7. Do you regularly use a stick, walker or wheelchair to move about? The participant is asked to answer Yes or No to all 7 questions. SCORING: If the respondent had 3 or more "yes" answers, this indicates an increased risk of frailty and the need for further clinical review.

  9. Activity Levels and Sleep: Accelerometer Assessments [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Activity levels and sleep are measured by the use of seven day accelerometer assessments

  10. Comorbidity and Inflammation - CRP (C-Reactive-Protein) assay (Abcam) [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Pre-existing inflammation, renal impairment and heart failure will be assessed using highly sensitive CRP assay, NT-proBNP (both Abcam), and estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (from serum creatinine). The acceptable range for CRP values using the abcam kit is 34.29 - 25,000 pg/mL. For values above 25ng/mL, the samples will be diluted and re-assayed. Samples < 34.29 pg/mL will be re-assayed at higher concentration when possible; otherwise the concentrations will be accepted if higher than assay detection limit (2 pg/L). For samples <2pg/mL a no-expression value will be assigned.

  11. Comorbidity and Inflammation - NT-proBNP (Abcam) [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Pre-existing inflammation, renal impairment and heart failure will be assessed using highly sensitive CRP assay, NT-proBNP (both Abcam), and estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (from serum creatinine). The acceptable range for NT-proBNP values using the abcam kit is 0.14 - 100 ng/mL. For values above 100ng/mL, the samples will be diluted and re-assayed. Samples < 0.14 ng/mL will be re-assayed at higher concentration when possible; otherwise a no-expression value will be assigned.

  12. Comorbidity and Inflammation - estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Pre-existing inflammation, renal impairment and heart failure will be assessed using highly sensitive CRP assay, NT-proBNP (both Abcam), and estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (from serum creatinine). Formula for GFR (mL/min/1.73 m2) = 175 × (Scr)-1.154 × (Age)-0.203 × (0.742 if female) × (1.212 if African American) The equation does not require weight or height variables because the results are reported normalized to 1.73 m2 body surface area, which is an accepted average adult surface area.

  13. Endothelial function: Blood samples [ Time Frame: Baseline, 6-12 and 48 hours post-surgery ]
    Markers of endothelial activation will be measured in blood samples using flow cytometry.

  14. Endothelial function: Reactive Hyperaemia Peripheral Arterial Tonometry (RH-PAT) [ Time Frame: 1 day before surgery and 24 hours post-surgery ]
    Regional endothelial dysfunction will be measured as the reactive hyperaemia peripheral arterial tonometry (RH-PAT) index using the Endo-PAT 2000 (Itamar Medical Ltd., Caesarea, Israel)

  15. Endothelial function: Global endothelial dysfunction [ Time Frame: End of surgery, 0-6, 6-12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours post-operatively (until the timepoint serum arterial lactate falls below 2.5 mmol/L) ]
    Global endothelial dysfunction will also be measured indirectly as the measured time to resolution of oxygen debt defined as the period of time from the end of surgery until the measured serum arterial lactate level falls below 2.5 mmol/L.

Eligibility Criteria
Layout table for eligibility information
Ages Eligible for Study:   18 Years and older   (Adult, Older Adult)
Sexes Eligible for Study:   All
Accepts Healthy Volunteers:   No

Inclusion Criteria:

ALL of the following:

  • Adult cardiac surgery patients (≥18 years) undergoing cardiac surgery (CABG, Valve, or CABG and Valve) with cardiopulmonary bypass.
  • BMI<30
  • Able, in the opinion of the investigator, and willing to give informed consent.
  • Do not have diagnosed coeliac disease
  • Able to understand English

Exclusion Criteria:

Any of the following:

  • Urgent, emergency or salvage procedure
  • Patients with end stage renal failure defined as an estimated Glomerular Filtration rate (eGFR) <15 mL/min/1.73 m2 calculated from the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease equation,1 or patients who are on long-term haemodialysis or have undergone renal transplantation.
  • Patients with persistent or chronic atrial fibrillation.
  • Patients with severe liver dysfunction; hepatitis, cirrhosis, jaundice.
  • Women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant in the intraoperative period.
  • Patients who are participating in another interventional clinical trial.
  • Unable, in the opinion of the investigator, or unwilling to give informed consent.
  • Have diagnosed coeliac disease
  • Unable to understand English

Exclusion criteria for optional MRI research procedure:

  • Permanent pacemaker or ICD
  • Brain Aneurysm Clip
  • Implanted neural stimulator
  • Cochlear implant (specific implant must be checked that it is MR safe)
  • Ocular foreign body (e.g. metal shavings) unless removed
  • Other implanted medical devices: (e.g. Swan Ganz catheter)
  • Insulin pump
  • Retained metal shrapnel or bullet
  • Claustrophobia
Contacts and Locations

Layout table for location contacts
Contact: Mustafa Zakkar, PhD 0116258 ext 3019 mz207@le.ac.uk
Contact: Hardeep Aujla 0116250 ext 2650 ha200@le.ac.uk

Layout table for location information
United Kingdom
University of Leicester Recruiting
Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom, LE3 9QP
Sponsors and Collaborators
University of Leicester
Layout table for investigator information
Study Chair: Gavin J Murphy, MD BHF Professor of Cardiac Surgery, University of Leicester
Principal Investigator: Mustafa Zakkar, PhD Associate Professor, University of Leicester
Tracking Information
First Submitted Date  ICMJE May 20, 2019
First Posted Date  ICMJE July 11, 2019
Last Update Posted Date May 3, 2021
Actual Study Start Date  ICMJE May 7, 2019
Estimated Primary Completion Date April 2022   (Final data collection date for primary outcome measure)
Current Primary Outcome Measures  ICMJE
 (submitted: July 10, 2019)
  • Change of Serum Creatinine level [ Time Frame: Baseline, 0-6, 6-12, 24, 48, 72, and up to 96 hours post-operatively ]
    Measurement of Serum Creatinine level and expressed as umol/L.
  • Change of Serum Troponin I level [ Time Frame: Baseline, 0-6, 6-12, 24, 48 and 72 hours post-operatively ]
    Measurement of Serum Troponin level and expressed as ng/L.
Original Primary Outcome Measures  ICMJE Same as current
Change History
Current Secondary Outcome Measures  ICMJE
 (submitted: July 10, 2019)
  • Post-surgery organ injury: Sepsis-related Organ Failure [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-operatively, 0-6, 6-12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours post-operatively ]
    Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) Score. Range 0-3, 3 being the worse score
  • Post-surgery organ injury: Kidney Injury (Urinary Biomarkers) - NGAL (Neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalcin) [ Time Frame: Baseline, 1 day pre-op, 6-12, 24 and 48 hours post-operatively ]
    Urine samples will be analysed for biomarkers of renal injury. Measurement of NGAL level will be expressed as μg/L.
  • Post-surgery organ injury: Kidney Injury (Urinary Biomarkers) - microRNA (Neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalcin) [ Time Frame: Baseline, 1 day pre-op, 6-12, 24 and 48 hours post-operatively ]
    Urine samples will be analysed for biomarkers of renal injury. Measurement of microRNA in urine samples will be represented by the frequency (%) of identified microRNA.
  • Post-surgery organ injury: Kidney Injury [ Time Frame: Daily for 5 days from Baseline ]
    Absolute change from baseline for serum creatinine
  • Post-surgery organ injury: Kidney Injury [ Time Frame: At 6 weeks and then 3 months post-surgery ]
    Serum creatinine and eGFR in all patients using the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease equation. The following is the IDMS-traceable MDRD Study equation (for creatinine methods calibrated to an IDMS reference method) GFR (mL/min/1.73 m2) = 175 × (Scr)-1.154 × (Age)-0.203 × (0.742 if female) × (1.212 if African American) The equation does not require weight or height variables because the results are reported normalized to 1.73 m2 body surface area, which is an accepted average adult surface area.
  • Post-surgery organ injury: Lung Injury using the Berlin ARDS Score [ Time Frame: Baseline, immediately pre-surgery, 0-6, 6-12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours post-operatively ]
    Using the Berlin ARDS score, the measurement of Arterial Alveolar oxygen ratio expressed in kPa/L.
  • Post-surgery organ injury: GI Tract injury (Biomarker) - AST (Aspartate Transaminase) [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment, pre-operatively, 0-6 and at 6-12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours post-operatively. ]
    Measurement of AST levels in serum and expressed in IU/L. Acute liver injury will be defined as an acute derangement of three times the upper limit of normal.
  • Post-surgery organ injury: GI Tract injury (Biomarker) - ALT (Alanine Transaminase) [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment, pre-operatively, 0-6 and at 6-12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours post-operatively. ]
    Measurement of ALT levels in serum and expressed in IU/L. Acute liver injury will be defined as an acute derangement of three times the upper limit of normal.
  • Post-surgery organ injury: GI Tract injury (Biomarker) - Bilirubin [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment, pre-operatively, 0-6 and at 6-12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours post-operatively. ]
    Measurement of Bilirubin levels in serum and expressed in μmol/L. Acute liver injury will be defined as an acute derangement of three times the upper limit of normal.
  • Post-surgery organ injury: GI Tract injury (Biomarker) - Alkaline Phosphatase [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment, pre-operatively, 0-6 and at 6-12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours post-operatively. ]
    Measurement of Alkaline Phosphatase levels in serum and expressed in IU/L. Acute liver injury will be defined as an acute derangement of three times the upper limit of normal.
  • Post-surgery organ injury: GI Tract injury (Biomarker) - Serum Amylase [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment, pre-operatively, 0-6 and at 6-12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours post-operatively. ]
    Measurement of Amylase levels in serum and expressed in IU/L. Acute pancreatitis will be defined as a serum amylase concentration >1000 ng/ml.
  • Assessment of resource use: Extubation [ Time Frame: Time (hours) measured from the start of surgery to extubation (up to 30 days) ]
    Time until extubation
  • Assessment of resource use: Intensive Care Unit [ Time Frame: Time (hours) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from ICU (up to 30 days) ]
    Length of stay in Intensive Care Unit. Number of hours between admission and discharge from the High Dependency Unit (HDU)
  • Assessment of resource use: Hospital Stay [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Length of stay in hospital. Number of days between admission and discharge from the hospital
  • Clinical events: Sepsis [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Sepsis will be defined as suspected or documented infection and an acute change in total SOFA score ≥2 points consequent to the infection. For the purposes of the trial suspected or documented infection will be defined as the commencement of intravenous antibiotics. The rise in SOFA score will be assessed within 72 hours of the commencement of antibiotics. Range of SOFA is 0 to 3, 3 being the worse. For the purposes of the study suspected or documented infection will be defined as the commencement of intravenous antibiotics. The rise in SOFA score will be assessed within 72 hours of the commencement of antibiotics.
  • Clinical events: Peak lactate [ Time Frame: Within 24 hours of surgery ]
    Peak lactate within 24 hours of surgery and time to resolution of hyperlactataemia (arterial serum lactate >2.5 mmol/L) post peak.
  • Clinical events: Acute Lung Injury [ Time Frame: Baseline, immediately pre-surgery, 0-6, 6-12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours post-operatively ]
    Measurement of PaO2/FiO2 ratio and expressed in kPa/L.
  • Clinical events: Low cardiac output [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Low cardiac output, defined as new intra-or postoperative intra-aortic balloon pump insertion or a cardiac index of <2.2 L/min/ m2 refractory to appropriate intravascular volume expansion after correction or attempted correction of any dysrhythmias, or the administration of the inotropes Dobutamine, Enoximone, Milrinone or Levosimendan.
  • Clinical events: Stroke [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Stroke; diagnosed by brain imaging (CT or MRI), in association with new onset focal or generalized neurological deficit (defined as deficit in motor, sensory or co-ordination functions)
  • Clinical events: Acute Liver Injury - AST (Aspartate Transaminase) [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Acute liver injury will be defined as an acute derangement of liver enzymes three times the upper limit of normal, or a serum amylase concentration >1000 ng/m.
  • Clinical events: Acute Liver Injury - ALT (Alanine Transaminase) [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Acute liver injury will be defined as an acute derangement of liver enzymes three times the upper limit of normal, or a serum amylase concentration >1000 ng/m.
  • Clinical events: Acute Liver Injury - Bilirubin [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Acute liver injury will be defined as an acute derangement of liver enzymes three times the upper limit of normal, or a serum amylase concentration >1000 ng/m.
  • Clinical events: Acute Liver Injury - Alkaline Phosphatase [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Acute liver injury will be defined as an acute derangement of liver enzymes three times the upper limit of normal, or a serum amylase concentration >1000 ng/m.
  • Clinical events: Acute Liver Injury - Serum Amylase [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Acute liver injury will be defined as an acute derangement of liver enzymes three times the upper limit of normal, or a serum amylase concentration >1000 ng/m.
  • Clinical events: Acute Intestinal Injury [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    Acute intestinal injury will be defined a radiological, operative or post-mortem evidence of gut ischaemia.
  • Clinical events: Rate of mortality [ Time Frame: Within 30-days from surgery and at 1 year from surgery ]
    Rate of mortality at 30-days and 1 year from the date of surgery
  • Clinical events: A composite endpoint Organ Injury, Mortality and Sepsis [ Time Frame: Time (days) measured from the start of surgery to discharge from hospital (up to 90 days) ]
    As above for description of organ injury, mortality and sepsis
  • Bleeding and Transfusion [ Time Frame: Blood loss at 6 hours post-operatively ]
    The total number of units of red cells and other blood components transfused during the operative period and post-operative hospital stay will be recorded
  • Mechanism study: Mitochondrial function of microvessels from tissue biopsies [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    50-100 mg biopsies obtained from pedicled left internal mammary artery biopsies. The mitochondrial function will be measured through the Bioenergetic Health Index. The Bioenergetic Health Index (BHI) is calculated using the following formula: BHI=(ATP-linked×reserve capacity)/(proton leak×non-mitochondrial) - as described by Chacko et al. The expected range is 0-100.
  • Mechanism study: microRNA isolation of microvessels from tissue biopsies [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    The findings will be represented by the frequency (%) of identified microRNA. 50-100 mg biopsies obtained from pedicled left internal mammary artery biopsies.
  • Mechanism study: Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) of microvessels from tissue biopsies [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    To identify protein binding sites that may help identify functional elements in the genome. Findings will be represented by the number (n) of binding sites. 50-100 mg biopsies obtained from pedicled left internal mammary artery biopsies.
  • Mechanism study: Mitochondrial function measured in right atrium myocardium tissue biopsies [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    50-100 mg myocardial biopsies will be obtained from the right atrium at surgery. The mitochondrial function will be measured through the Bioenergetic Health Index. The Bioenergetic Health Index (BHI) is calculated using the following formula: BHI=(ATP-linked×reserve capacity)/(proton leak×non-mitochondrial) - as described by Chacko et al. The expected range is 0-100.
  • Mechanism study: microRNA isolation in right atrium myocardium tissue biopsies [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    50-100 mg myocardial biopsies will be obtained from the right atrium at surgery. The findings will be represented by the frequency (%) of identified microRNA.
  • Mechanism study: Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) in right atrium myocardium tissue biopsies [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    50-100 mg myocardial biopsies will be obtained from the right atrium at surgery. To identify protein binding sites that may help identify functional elements in the genome. Findings will be represented by the number (n) of binding sites.
  • Mechanism study: Mitochondrial function measured in adipose tissue biopsies [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    Adipose tissue collected from epicardial fat at time of surgery. The mitochondrial function will be measured through the Bioenergetic Health Index. The Bioenergetic Health Index (BHI) is calculated using the following formula: BHI=(ATP-linked×reserve capacity)/(proton leak×non-mitochondrial) - as described by Chacko et al. The expected range is 0-100.
  • Mechanism study: microRNA isolation in adipose tissue biopsies [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    Adipose tissue collected from epicardial fat at time of surgery. The findings will be represented by the frequency (%) of identified microRNA.
  • Mechanism study: Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) in adipose tissue biopsies [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    Adipose tissue collected from epicardial fat at time of surgery. To identify protein binding sites that may help identify functional elements in the genome. Findings will be represented by the number (n) of binding sites.
  • Mechanism study: Measurement of microvesicles in urine samples [ Time Frame: Baseline,1 day before surgery, 6-12, 24 and 48 hours post-operatively. ]
    Identification of microvesicles. The findings will be represented by the frequency (%) of each identified microvesicle.
  • Mechanism study: Measurement of microRNA in urine samples [ Time Frame: Baseline,1 day before surgery, 6-12, 24 and 48 hours post-operatively. ]
    The findings will be represented by the frequency (%) of identified microRNA.
  • Mechanism study: Measurement of histone acetylation in urine samples [ Time Frame: Baseline,1 day before surgery, 6-12, 24 and 48 hours post-operatively. ]
    The findings will be reported as acetylated H3 (ug/mg) over time (hours)
  • Mechanism study: Measurement of gene expression in urine samples [ Time Frame: Baseline,1 day before surgery, 6-12, 24 and 48 hours post-operatively. ]
    Whole genome sequencing will be achieved through ATAC sequencing. The identified genes will be characterised by average expression count over ATAC.
Original Secondary Outcome Measures  ICMJE Same as current
Current Other Pre-specified Outcome Measures
 (submitted: July 10, 2019)
  • Body Composition: Bone Density Scan (DEXA) [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Assessments of muscle mass/sarcopenia (Appendicular lean mass taken from the DEXA scan)
  • Imaging Assessment of Cardiometabolic Status: Trans-Oesophageal Echo [ Time Frame: At time of surgery ]
    Diastolic and systolic left ventricular function will be evaluated using intra-operative trans-oesophageal echo in all patients, as per standard care.
  • Imaging Assessment (optional): Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Cardiac Function [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Assessment of cardiac function, by assessing ventricular function. This will be expressed as ejection fraction (%). Intravenous contrast will be administered via an indwelling venous catheter.
  • Imaging Assessment (optional): Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Cardiac adiposity content [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Assessment of cardiac adiposity content. A percentage of adipose tissue over total body mass will be calculated. Intravenous contrast will be administered via an indwelling venous catheter.
  • Imaging Assessment (optional): Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Visceral adiposity content [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Assessment of visceral adiposity content. A percentage of adipose tissue over total body mass will be calculated. Intravenous contrast will be administered via an indwelling venous catheter.
  • Fitness, Frailty and Muscle Strength: Six Minute Walk Test [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Fitness will be assessed using the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) which is a standardized test that provides a valid assessment of functional performance. It provides a global assessment of exercise capacity and may better reflect daily activity than more traditional laboratory tests.
  • Fitness, Frailty and Muscle Strength: Hand Grip Test [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Hand grip strength will be measured quantitatively by using a dynamometer. The result provides an objective index of general upper body strength and combined with appendicular lean mass (taken from the DEXA scan) could be used to define sarcopenia.
  • Fitness, Frailty and Muscle Strength: PRISMA-7 Questionnaire [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Frailty assessment will be by use of the PRISMA-7 Questionnaire. The questions asked are: 1. Are you older than 85 years? 2. Are you male? 3. In general, do you have any health problems that require you to limit your activities? 4. Do you need someone to help you on a regular basis? 5. In general, do you have any health problems that require you to stay at home? 6. If you need help, can you count on someone close to you? 7. Do you regularly use a stick, walker or wheelchair to move about? The participant is asked to answer Yes or No to all 7 questions. SCORING: If the respondent had 3 or more "yes" answers, this indicates an increased risk of frailty and the need for further clinical review.
  • Activity Levels and Sleep: Accelerometer Assessments [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Activity levels and sleep are measured by the use of seven day accelerometer assessments
  • Comorbidity and Inflammation - CRP (C-Reactive-Protein) assay (Abcam) [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Pre-existing inflammation, renal impairment and heart failure will be assessed using highly sensitive CRP assay, NT-proBNP (both Abcam), and estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (from serum creatinine). The acceptable range for CRP values using the abcam kit is 34.29 - 25,000 pg/mL. For values above 25ng/mL, the samples will be diluted and re-assayed. Samples < 34.29 pg/mL will be re-assayed at higher concentration when possible; otherwise the concentrations will be accepted if higher than assay detection limit (2 pg/L). For samples <2pg/mL a no-expression value will be assigned.
  • Comorbidity and Inflammation - NT-proBNP (Abcam) [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Pre-existing inflammation, renal impairment and heart failure will be assessed using highly sensitive CRP assay, NT-proBNP (both Abcam), and estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (from serum creatinine). The acceptable range for NT-proBNP values using the abcam kit is 0.14 - 100 ng/mL. For values above 100ng/mL, the samples will be diluted and re-assayed. Samples < 0.14 ng/mL will be re-assayed at higher concentration when possible; otherwise a no-expression value will be assigned.
  • Comorbidity and Inflammation - estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate [ Time Frame: Baseline, pre-assessment and 3 months post-surgery ]
    Pre-existing inflammation, renal impairment and heart failure will be assessed using highly sensitive CRP assay, NT-proBNP (both Abcam), and estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (from serum creatinine). Formula for GFR (mL/min/1.73 m2) = 175 × (Scr)-1.154 × (Age)-0.203 × (0.742 if female) × (1.212 if African American) The equation does not require weight or height variables because the results are reported normalized to 1.73 m2 body surface area, which is an accepted average adult surface area.
  • Endothelial function: Blood samples [ Time Frame: Baseline, 6-12 and 48 hours post-surgery ]
    Markers of endothelial activation will be measured in blood samples using flow cytometry.
  • Endothelial function: Reactive Hyperaemia Peripheral Arterial Tonometry (RH-PAT) [ Time Frame: 1 day before surgery and 24 hours post-surgery ]
    Regional endothelial dysfunction will be measured as the reactive hyperaemia peripheral arterial tonometry (RH-PAT) index using the Endo-PAT 2000 (Itamar Medical Ltd., Caesarea, Israel)
  • Endothelial function: Global endothelial dysfunction [ Time Frame: End of surgery, 0-6, 6-12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours post-operatively (until the timepoint serum arterial lactate falls below 2.5 mmol/L) ]
    Global endothelial dysfunction will also be measured indirectly as the measured time to resolution of oxygen debt defined as the period of time from the end of surgery until the measured serum arterial lactate level falls below 2.5 mmol/L.
Original Other Pre-specified Outcome Measures Same as current
Descriptive Information
Brief Title  ICMJE The PRE-OP ENERGY Trial
Official Title  ICMJE A Randomised Controlled Trial of a Pre-operative High Energy Diet for the Prevention of Organ Injury in Cardiac Surgery: The PRE-OP ENERGY Trial
Brief Summary The PRE-OP ENERGY Trial proposes to test the overarching hypothesis that a pre-surgery high energy diet will protect patients against organ damage during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.
Detailed Description

PRE-OP ENERGY is a single centre, unblinded, parallel group, randomised controlled trial of a pre-operative high energy diet, versus a control group receiving standard care.

The trial will test a number of specific hypotheses:

  1. A pre-surgery high energy diet will protect against post-cardiac surgery organ failure by altering the pre-surgery cardiometabolic state, a process referred to as 'metabolic preconditioning'.
  2. The effects of the trial intervention will not be attributable to changes in frailty, activity or baseline organ dysfunction.
  3. The trial intervention will not result in long-term adverse changes in cardiometabolic status.
  4. Metabolic preconditioning will confer protection against post-cardiac surgery kidney injury by increasing the expression of genes that promote renal tubular homeostasis.
  5. Metabolic preconditioning will confer protection against post-cardiac surgery myocardial injury by increasing the expression of genes that promote myocardial mitochondrial homeostasis via effects on chromatin histone deacetylation.
  6. Metabolic preconditioning will confer protection against post-cardiac surgery endothelial dysfunction by increasing the expression of genes that promote endothelial homeostasis.
Study Type  ICMJE Interventional
Study Phase  ICMJE Not Applicable
Study Design  ICMJE Allocation: Randomized
Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment
Intervention Model Description:
Unblinded randomised controlled trial
Masking: None (Open Label)
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Condition  ICMJE
  • Cardiac Valve Disease
  • Coronary Artery Disease
  • Organ Failure, Multiple
Intervention  ICMJE Dietary Supplement: High energy diet
An overfeeding regime of 135% required energy intake per day, set from baseline energy requirements consisting of high (saturated) fat snacks, added to the usual diet, supervised by a dietitian.
Study Arms  ICMJE
  • No Intervention: Group A: Control
    Standard Care
  • Experimental: Group B: High energy diet
    High energy diet for 8-12 weeks pre-surgery
    Intervention: Dietary Supplement: High energy diet
Publications * Not Provided

*   Includes publications given by the data provider as well as publications identified by ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier (NCT Number) in Medline.
Recruitment Information
Recruitment Status  ICMJE Recruiting
Estimated Enrollment  ICMJE
 (submitted: July 10, 2019)
Original Estimated Enrollment  ICMJE Same as current
Estimated Study Completion Date  ICMJE July 2022
Estimated Primary Completion Date April 2022   (Final data collection date for primary outcome measure)
Eligibility Criteria  ICMJE

Inclusion Criteria:

ALL of the following:

  • Adult cardiac surgery patients (≥18 years) undergoing cardiac surgery (CABG, Valve, or CABG and Valve) with cardiopulmonary bypass.
  • BMI<30
  • Able, in the opinion of the investigator, and willing to give informed consent.
  • Do not have diagnosed coeliac disease
  • Able to understand English

Exclusion Criteria:

Any of the following:

  • Urgent, emergency or salvage procedure
  • Patients with end stage renal failure defined as an estimated Glomerular Filtration rate (eGFR) <15 mL/min/1.73 m2 calculated from the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease equation,1 or patients who are on long-term haemodialysis or have undergone renal transplantation.
  • Patients with persistent or chronic atrial fibrillation.
  • Patients with severe liver dysfunction; hepatitis, cirrhosis, jaundice.
  • Women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant in the intraoperative period.
  • Patients who are participating in another interventional clinical trial.
  • Unable, in the opinion of the investigator, or unwilling to give informed consent.
  • Have diagnosed coeliac disease
  • Unable to understand English

Exclusion criteria for optional MRI research procedure:

  • Permanent pacemaker or ICD
  • Brain Aneurysm Clip
  • Implanted neural stimulator
  • Cochlear implant (specific implant must be checked that it is MR safe)
  • Ocular foreign body (e.g. metal shavings) unless removed
  • Other implanted medical devices: (e.g. Swan Ganz catheter)
  • Insulin pump
  • Retained metal shrapnel or bullet
  • Claustrophobia
Sex/Gender  ICMJE
Sexes Eligible for Study: All
Ages  ICMJE 18 Years and older   (Adult, Older Adult)
Accepts Healthy Volunteers  ICMJE No
Contacts  ICMJE
Contact: Mustafa Zakkar, PhD 0116258 ext 3019 mz207@le.ac.uk
Contact: Hardeep Aujla 0116250 ext 2650 ha200@le.ac.uk
Listed Location Countries  ICMJE United Kingdom
Removed Location Countries  
Administrative Information
NCT Number  ICMJE NCT04015973
Other Study ID Numbers  ICMJE 0668
246009 ( Registry Identifier: IRAS )
18/EM/0254 ( Other Identifier: REC East Midlands - Leics Central )
Has Data Monitoring Committee No
U.S. FDA-regulated Product
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product: No
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product: No
IPD Sharing Statement  ICMJE
Plan to Share IPD: No
Responsible Party University of Leicester
Study Sponsor  ICMJE University of Leicester
Collaborators  ICMJE Not Provided
Investigators  ICMJE
Study Chair: Gavin J Murphy, MD BHF Professor of Cardiac Surgery, University of Leicester
Principal Investigator: Mustafa Zakkar, PhD Associate Professor, University of Leicester
PRS Account University of Leicester
Verification Date April 2021

ICMJE     Data element required by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and the World Health Organization ICTRP