April 23, 2019
April 29, 2019
April 29, 2019
April 15, 2019
June 10, 2019 (Final data collection date for primary outcome measure)
- Change in anti-mullerian hormone level from baseline (precesarean) to post-cesarean [ Time Frame: Before cesarean section and at any follow-up visit within 6 months of cesarean section ]
- Change in follicle stimulating hormone level from baseline (precesarean) to post-cesarean [ Time Frame: Before cesarean section and at any follow-up visit within 6 months of cesarean section ]
- Change in luteinizing hormone level from baseline (precesarean) to post-cesarean [ Time Frame: Before cesarean section and at any follow-up visit within 6 months of cesarean section ]
Same as current
No Changes Posted
Antral follicle count in the two study groups [ Time Frame: At any follow-up visit within 6 months of cesarean section ] number
Same as current
Not Provided
Not Provided
Serum Antimullerian Hormone Levels in Patients Who Underwent Hayman Suture
Serum Antimullerian Hormone Levels in Patients Who Underwent Hayman Suture for Uterine Atony During Cesarean Section
From patient charts we will review patients who had undergone cesarean section within the last 6 months and identify those who received a The Hayman uterine compression suture for uterine atony. We will also select patients who delivered a baby without recieving a Hayman suture to create a control group. Patietns will be grouped as Hayman Group if they recevied a Hayman suture during C/S and control group if thay had not recevied a Hayman suture. We will then check patient charts for post-cesarean outpatient clinic visit and select those who received ovarian reserve evaluation via hormones and antral follicle count during the visits. Finally, we are planning to investigate any correlation between Hayman suture and ovarian dysfunction.
Hayman suture is a common technique for uterine compression to stop bleeding due to uterine atony. Hayman described placement of two to four vertical compression sutures from the anterior to posterior uterine wall without hysterectomy. It is usually employed to overcome uterine atoy dıring cesarean section. However, since the technique is relatively new, data on its safety and efficacy arelimited to a few case reports. several complications including cavity obliteration, blood entrapment and infections have been described. However, data regarding the ovarioan function is lacking.
Observational Model: Case-Control Time Perspective: Retrospective
Not Provided
Not Provided
Probability Sample
Patients who had undergone uterine artery ligation during cesarean section. Control group is age-matched postpartum patients.
- Uterine Atony With Hemorrhage
- Ovarian Dysfunction
Procedure: The Hayman uterine compression suture.
Hayman suture is a common technique for uterine compression to stop bleeding due to uterine atony. Hayman described placement of two to four vertical compression sutures from the anterior to posterior uterine wall without hysterectomy. It is usually employed to overcome uterine atony during cesarean section.
- Hayman group
Who had undergone cesarean section within the last 6 months and received a The Hayman uterine compression suture for uterine atony.
Intervention: Procedure: The Hayman uterine compression suture.
- Control
Who had undergone cesarean section within the last 6 months and did not experience neither any complication nor any additional intervention
Not Provided
Unknown status
Same as current
June 15, 2019
June 10, 2019 (Final data collection date for primary outcome measure)
Inclusion Criteria:
- age 18- 40 years
- no systemic or endocrine diseases
- patients who had uterine artery ligation due to atony
- healthy postpartum patients as controls
Exclusion Criteria:
- patients with Polyctsitic over syndrome
- Pregnancy with IVF or oocyte donation
- Obese patients
- patients with previous/present endometriosis
Sexes Eligible for Study: |
Female |
18 Years to 40 Years (Adult)
Not Provided
Contact information is only displayed when the study is recruiting subjects
Not Provided
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product: |
No |
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product: |
No |
Plan to Share IPD: |
Undecided |
Aysu Akca, Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Training and Research Hospital
Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Training and Research Hospital
Not Provided
Principal Investigator: |
Asyu Akca |
Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Hospital |
Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Training and Research Hospital
April 2019