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出境医 / 临床实验 / A Series of Study in Testing Efficacy of Pulmonary Rehabilitation Interventions in Lung Cancer Survivors

A Series of Study in Testing Efficacy of Pulmonary Rehabilitation Interventions in Lung Cancer Survivors

Study Description
Brief Summary:

Aim: To develop and testing a home exercise program for lung cancer survivors to improve their exercise tolerance and quality of life during the rehabilitation phase.

Design: An experimental design will be used in the study. The 90 lung cancer survivors, who were diagnosed with lung cancer within one year and have completed their initial cancer treatment, will be recruited and randomized to the control or intervention group. After pre-test, the intervention participants will receive a 60 minutes of teaching regarding the home rehabilitation exercise program, with a printed exercise manual. The intervention participant will also receive a weekly phone call from the interventionist to enhance their exercise adherence and helping to overcome exercise barriers. The similar outcome measures as study one will be assessed on the baseline, 1th month, 3th month, and 6th month.

Measurements: The study outcomes will be evaluated by three physical measures, six-minute walk test, Modified Borg Scale, 30-second Chair Sit-to-Stand Test, and 30-second Chair Sit-to-Stand Test, as well as a study questionnaire including Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Lung (FACT-L) and FACIT-Fatigue. For study one the following data will be collected from the patient'schart: post-operative pulmonary complications, days of chest tube insertion, and days of hospitalization.

Data analysis: Descriptive analysis will be used to describe patients'demongraphics, disease variables, and outcome variables. The Chi-square, T-test, and General Linear Mix-effect Model will be used to test the efficacy of the study interventions.

Condition or disease Intervention/treatment Phase
Lung Cancer Behavioral: Home rehabilitation exercise program Not Applicable

Detailed Description:

Background: With appropriate treatment, lung cancer patients can be a long-term survivor. However, many patients suffered from post-operative pulmonary complications, limited activity tolerance, and poor quality of life. Nurses in a great position to provide individualized health education regarding exercise for these patients; therefore to develop and test cost-effective nurses-lead lung rehabilitation exercise education programs deserver further scientific efforts.

Aim: To develop and testing a home exercise program for lung cancer survivors to improve their exercise tolerance and quality of life during the rehabilitation phase.

Design: An experimental design will be used in the study. The 90 lung cancer survivors, who were diagnosed with lung cancer within one year and have completed their initial cancer treatment, will be recruited and randomized to the control or intervention group. After pre-test, the intervention participants will receive a 60 minutes of teaching regarding the home rehabilitation exercise program, with a printed exercise manual. The intervention participant will also receive a weekly phone call from the interventionist to enhance their exercise adherence and helping to overcome exercise barriers. The similar outcome measures as study one will be assessed on the baseline, 1th month, 3th month, and 6th month.

Measurements: The study outcomes will be evaluated by three physical measures, six-minute walk test, Modified Borg Scale, 30-second Chair Sit-to-Stand Test, and 30-second Chair Sit-to-Stand Test, as well as a study questionnaire including Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Lung (FACT-L) and FACIT-Fatigue. For study one the following data will be collected from the patient'schart: post-operative pulmonary complications, days of chest tube insertion, and days of hospitalization.

Data analysis: Descriptive analysis will be used to describe patients'demongraphics, disease variables, and outcome variables. The Chi-square, T-test, and General Linear Mix-effect Model will be used to test the efficacy of the study interventions.

Significance: The study results will provide evidence for the efficacy of pulmonary rehabilitation and a home exercise program for enhancing exercise tolerance and quality of life in lung cancer survivors.

Study Design
Layout table for study information
Study Type : Interventional  (Clinical Trial)
Actual Enrollment : 92 participants
Allocation: Randomized
Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment
Masking: Triple (Care Provider, Investigator, Outcomes Assessor)
Primary Purpose: Supportive Care
Official Title: A Series of Study in Testing Efficacy of Pulmonary Rehabilitation Interventions in Lung Cancer Survivors
Actual Study Start Date : September 9, 2015
Actual Primary Completion Date : March 17, 2017
Actual Study Completion Date : March 17, 2017
Arms and Interventions
Arm Intervention/treatment
Experimental: The intervention group

After pre-test, the intervention participants received a 60 minutes of teaching regarding the home rehabilitation exercise program, with a printed exercise manual.

The intervention participants also received a weekly phone call from the interventionist to enhance their exercise adherence and helping to overcome exercise barriers.

Behavioral: Home rehabilitation exercise program
After pre-test, the intervention participants received a 60 minutes of teaching regarding the home rehabilitation exercise program, with a printed exercise manual. The intervention participants also received a weekly phone call from the interventionist to enhance their exercise adherence and helping to overcome exercise barriers.

No Intervention: The control group
Participants in the control group received regular medication education.
Outcome Measures
Primary Outcome Measures :
  1. six-minute walk test [ Time Frame: Change from Baseline to 6 months ]
    The six-minute walk test measures the distance an individual is able to walk over a total of six minutes on a hard, flat surface. The goal is for the individual to walk as far as possible in six minutes. The individual is allowed to self-pace and rest as needed as they traverse back and forth along a marked walkway.

Secondary Outcome Measures :
  1. 30-second arm curl test [ Time Frame: Change from Baseline to 6 months ]
    To measure upper body strength and endurance. The participant is sitting on the edge of a stabile chair, with seat height of 44 cm (originally 43.18 cm). The back is outstretched, the feet resting flat on the ground. A handle weighing 2 kg for women or 3.5 kg for men is held in the dominant hand. The arm is directed downwards, along the chair, perpendicularly to the floor. Participant's task is, at a command given by the testing person, to rotate the hand upwards while simultaneously flexing the extremity in the elbow (flexion with supination), and subsequently to extend the extremity to its baseline position.

  2. 30-second chair sit-to-stand test [ Time Frame: Change from Baseline to 6 months ]
    To test leg strength and endurance. Record the number of stand a person can complete in 30 seconds.

  3. Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Lung (FACT-L) [ Time Frame: Change from Baseline to 6 months ]
    There are two subscales, 27 items of FACT-General and 9 items of Lung Cancer Subscale. Each item is rated on a 5-point Likert scale (0-4). The total score of the 36 items represents the score of the scale. The higher values represent better quality of life.

  4. The Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue [ Time Frame: Change from Baseline to 6 months ]
    There are 13 items in the scale. Each item is rated on a 5-point Likert scale (0-4). The total score of the 13 items represents the score of the scale. The possible score for the scale ranges from 0 to 52. The higher values represent more fatigue.

Eligibility Criteria
Layout table for eligibility information
Ages Eligible for Study:   20 Years and older   (Adult, Older Adult)
Sexes Eligible for Study:   All
Accepts Healthy Volunteers:   No

Inclusion Criteria:

  1. aged 20 and older,
  2. diagnosed with stage I-IIIB non-small cell lung cancer
  3. completed initial cancer treatments and no planned cancer treatment in three months
  4. Karnofsdy Performance Status equal or greater then 50
  5. estimated survival time greater than six months
  6. with the permission of the patient's physician

Exclusion Criteria:

  1. having a medical condition precluding exercise (i.e. uncontrolled arrhythmias, uncontrolled hypertension, third-degree heart block, myocardial infarction within six months, unstable angina, acute congestive heart failure and taking anticoagulation for valve diseases).
  2. poor controlled diabetics (HbA1C>9%)
  3. regularly exercising in moderate or higher intensity three time a week within three month
  4. unable to walk independently
  5. unable to communicate
Contacts and Locations

Layout table for location information
National Taiwan University Hospital
Taipei, Taiwan, 100
Sponsors and Collaborators
National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
National Taiwan University Hospital
Mackay Memorial Hospital
Layout table for investigator information
Principal Investigator: Tsae Jyy Wang, PhD National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences
Tracking Information
First Submitted Date  ICMJE April 16, 2019
First Posted Date  ICMJE April 17, 2019
Last Update Posted Date April 17, 2019
Actual Study Start Date  ICMJE September 9, 2015
Actual Primary Completion Date March 17, 2017   (Final data collection date for primary outcome measure)
Current Primary Outcome Measures  ICMJE
 (submitted: April 16, 2019)
six-minute walk test [ Time Frame: Change from Baseline to 6 months ]
The six-minute walk test measures the distance an individual is able to walk over a total of six minutes on a hard, flat surface. The goal is for the individual to walk as far as possible in six minutes. The individual is allowed to self-pace and rest as needed as they traverse back and forth along a marked walkway.
Original Primary Outcome Measures  ICMJE Same as current
Change History No Changes Posted
Current Secondary Outcome Measures  ICMJE
 (submitted: April 16, 2019)
  • 30-second arm curl test [ Time Frame: Change from Baseline to 6 months ]
    To measure upper body strength and endurance. The participant is sitting on the edge of a stabile chair, with seat height of 44 cm (originally 43.18 cm). The back is outstretched, the feet resting flat on the ground. A handle weighing 2 kg for women or 3.5 kg for men is held in the dominant hand. The arm is directed downwards, along the chair, perpendicularly to the floor. Participant's task is, at a command given by the testing person, to rotate the hand upwards while simultaneously flexing the extremity in the elbow (flexion with supination), and subsequently to extend the extremity to its baseline position.
  • 30-second chair sit-to-stand test [ Time Frame: Change from Baseline to 6 months ]
    To test leg strength and endurance. Record the number of stand a person can complete in 30 seconds.
  • Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Lung (FACT-L) [ Time Frame: Change from Baseline to 6 months ]
    There are two subscales, 27 items of FACT-General and 9 items of Lung Cancer Subscale. Each item is rated on a 5-point Likert scale (0-4). The total score of the 36 items represents the score of the scale. The higher values represent better quality of life.
  • The Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue [ Time Frame: Change from Baseline to 6 months ]
    There are 13 items in the scale. Each item is rated on a 5-point Likert scale (0-4). The total score of the 13 items represents the score of the scale. The possible score for the scale ranges from 0 to 52. The higher values represent more fatigue.
Original Secondary Outcome Measures  ICMJE Same as current
Current Other Pre-specified Outcome Measures Not Provided
Original Other Pre-specified Outcome Measures Not Provided
Descriptive Information
Brief Title  ICMJE A Series of Study in Testing Efficacy of Pulmonary Rehabilitation Interventions in Lung Cancer Survivors
Official Title  ICMJE A Series of Study in Testing Efficacy of Pulmonary Rehabilitation Interventions in Lung Cancer Survivors
Brief Summary

Aim: To develop and testing a home exercise program for lung cancer survivors to improve their exercise tolerance and quality of life during the rehabilitation phase.

Design: An experimental design will be used in the study. The 90 lung cancer survivors, who were diagnosed with lung cancer within one year and have completed their initial cancer treatment, will be recruited and randomized to the control or intervention group. After pre-test, the intervention participants will receive a 60 minutes of teaching regarding the home rehabilitation exercise program, with a printed exercise manual. The intervention participant will also receive a weekly phone call from the interventionist to enhance their exercise adherence and helping to overcome exercise barriers. The similar outcome measures as study one will be assessed on the baseline, 1th month, 3th month, and 6th month.

Measurements: The study outcomes will be evaluated by three physical measures, six-minute walk test, Modified Borg Scale, 30-second Chair Sit-to-Stand Test, and 30-second Chair Sit-to-Stand Test, as well as a study questionnaire including Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Lung (FACT-L) and FACIT-Fatigue. For study one the following data will be collected from the patient'schart: post-operative pulmonary complications, days of chest tube insertion, and days of hospitalization.

Data analysis: Descriptive analysis will be used to describe patients'demongraphics, disease variables, and outcome variables. The Chi-square, T-test, and General Linear Mix-effect Model will be used to test the efficacy of the study interventions.

Detailed Description

Background: With appropriate treatment, lung cancer patients can be a long-term survivor. However, many patients suffered from post-operative pulmonary complications, limited activity tolerance, and poor quality of life. Nurses in a great position to provide individualized health education regarding exercise for these patients; therefore to develop and test cost-effective nurses-lead lung rehabilitation exercise education programs deserver further scientific efforts.

Aim: To develop and testing a home exercise program for lung cancer survivors to improve their exercise tolerance and quality of life during the rehabilitation phase.

Design: An experimental design will be used in the study. The 90 lung cancer survivors, who were diagnosed with lung cancer within one year and have completed their initial cancer treatment, will be recruited and randomized to the control or intervention group. After pre-test, the intervention participants will receive a 60 minutes of teaching regarding the home rehabilitation exercise program, with a printed exercise manual. The intervention participant will also receive a weekly phone call from the interventionist to enhance their exercise adherence and helping to overcome exercise barriers. The similar outcome measures as study one will be assessed on the baseline, 1th month, 3th month, and 6th month.

Measurements: The study outcomes will be evaluated by three physical measures, six-minute walk test, Modified Borg Scale, 30-second Chair Sit-to-Stand Test, and 30-second Chair Sit-to-Stand Test, as well as a study questionnaire including Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Lung (FACT-L) and FACIT-Fatigue. For study one the following data will be collected from the patient'schart: post-operative pulmonary complications, days of chest tube insertion, and days of hospitalization.

Data analysis: Descriptive analysis will be used to describe patients'demongraphics, disease variables, and outcome variables. The Chi-square, T-test, and General Linear Mix-effect Model will be used to test the efficacy of the study interventions.

Significance: The study results will provide evidence for the efficacy of pulmonary rehabilitation and a home exercise program for enhancing exercise tolerance and quality of life in lung cancer survivors.

Study Type  ICMJE Interventional
Study Phase  ICMJE Not Applicable
Study Design  ICMJE Allocation: Randomized
Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment
Masking: Triple (Care Provider, Investigator, Outcomes Assessor)
Primary Purpose: Supportive Care
Condition  ICMJE Lung Cancer
Intervention  ICMJE Behavioral: Home rehabilitation exercise program
After pre-test, the intervention participants received a 60 minutes of teaching regarding the home rehabilitation exercise program, with a printed exercise manual. The intervention participants also received a weekly phone call from the interventionist to enhance their exercise adherence and helping to overcome exercise barriers.
Study Arms  ICMJE
  • Experimental: The intervention group

    After pre-test, the intervention participants received a 60 minutes of teaching regarding the home rehabilitation exercise program, with a printed exercise manual.

    The intervention participants also received a weekly phone call from the interventionist to enhance their exercise adherence and helping to overcome exercise barriers.

    Intervention: Behavioral: Home rehabilitation exercise program
  • No Intervention: The control group
    Participants in the control group received regular medication education.
Publications *
  • Benzo R, Wigle D, Novotny P, Wetzstein M, Nichols F, Shen RK, Cassivi S, Deschamps C. Preoperative pulmonary rehabilitation before lung cancer resection: results from two randomized studies. Lung Cancer. 2011 Dec;74(3):441-5. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2011.05.011. Epub 2011 Jun 12.
  • Jones LW, Peddle CJ, Eves ND, Haykowsky MJ, Courneya KS, Mackey JR, Joy AA, Kumar V, Winton TW, Reiman T. Effects of presurgical exercise training on cardiorespiratory fitness among patients undergoing thoracic surgery for malignant lung lesions. Cancer. 2007 Aug 1;110(3):590-8.
  • Peddle CJ, Jones LW, Eves ND, Reiman T, Sellar CM, Winton T, Courneya KS. Effects of presurgical exercise training on quality of life in patients undergoing lung resection for suspected malignancy: a pilot study. Cancer Nurs. 2009 Mar-Apr;32(2):158-65. doi: 10.1097/NCC.0b013e3181982ca1.

*   Includes publications given by the data provider as well as publications identified by ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier (NCT Number) in Medline.
Recruitment Information
Recruitment Status  ICMJE Completed
Actual Enrollment  ICMJE
 (submitted: April 16, 2019)
Original Actual Enrollment  ICMJE Same as current
Actual Study Completion Date  ICMJE March 17, 2017
Actual Primary Completion Date March 17, 2017   (Final data collection date for primary outcome measure)
Eligibility Criteria  ICMJE

Inclusion Criteria:

  1. aged 20 and older,
  2. diagnosed with stage I-IIIB non-small cell lung cancer
  3. completed initial cancer treatments and no planned cancer treatment in three months
  4. Karnofsdy Performance Status equal or greater then 50
  5. estimated survival time greater than six months
  6. with the permission of the patient's physician

Exclusion Criteria:

  1. having a medical condition precluding exercise (i.e. uncontrolled arrhythmias, uncontrolled hypertension, third-degree heart block, myocardial infarction within six months, unstable angina, acute congestive heart failure and taking anticoagulation for valve diseases).
  2. poor controlled diabetics (HbA1C>9%)
  3. regularly exercising in moderate or higher intensity three time a week within three month
  4. unable to walk independently
  5. unable to communicate
Sex/Gender  ICMJE
Sexes Eligible for Study: All
Ages  ICMJE 20 Years and older   (Adult, Older Adult)
Accepts Healthy Volunteers  ICMJE No
Contacts  ICMJE Contact information is only displayed when the study is recruiting subjects
Listed Location Countries  ICMJE Taiwan
Removed Location Countries  
Administrative Information
NCT Number  ICMJE NCT03918538
Other Study ID Numbers  ICMJE 13MMHIS305
Has Data Monitoring Committee No
U.S. FDA-regulated Product
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product: No
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product: No
IPD Sharing Statement  ICMJE
Plan to Share IPD: No
Responsible Party Tsae Jyy, Wang, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences
Study Sponsor  ICMJE National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences
Collaborators  ICMJE
  • Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
  • National Taiwan University Hospital
  • Mackay Memorial Hospital
Investigators  ICMJE
Principal Investigator: Tsae Jyy Wang, PhD National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences
PRS Account National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences
Verification Date April 2019

ICMJE     Data element required by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and the World Health Organization ICTRP
